Friday, 25 June 2010


Day Eight - Tuesday 22 June 2010

We were due to spend all day today (until 4:00 pm) sailing to Santorini but unfortunately, due to windy conditions in the caldera, it would have been unsafe to operate tenders. There were also bad conditions on the island itself: high winds had put the cable cars off and heavy rain had made paths unsafe for use. We therefore were unable to visit Santorini which was disappointing but I'm sure everyone knows the decision was taken based on safety and comfort for all.

This meant a whole day on the ship which we hadn't bargained for but it wasn't a problem. We just ate some more........ It was actually quite nice having a restful day where weren't on the go and coping with the heat.

We took an early dinner as there was a Harry Potter film on in the Crystal Atrium that the girls wanted to see. I started watching it but left part-way through to go and take sunset pictures. I returned in time to see the end of the film with some nice shots bagged!

I sat watching some football for a short while before retiring.

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